Our Facility

Our facilities include a playroom solely for the use of the children in our care. We also use our kitchen, dining, family and living rooms. We use these rooms for, music, cooking projects, puzzles, board games, and homework for older school age kids. There is a large quarter acre fenced play yard situated just off the back deck equipped with a music wall, art supplies, sand box, water table, garden, large motor activities and an assortment of trucks, balls, etc. We are situated on two acres on the bus route for Olalla Elementary, but only 15 minutes from downtown Gig Harbor, Port Orchard and Hwy 16. Children have ample opportunities for free play and exploration outdoors except on days that are extremely wet, cold or hot. When weather permits, most of our time will be outside, with both structured and unstructured activities. On days we are forced to stay in due to extreme weather, we will provide children with cooking, art, dance, tumbling, and other creative activities.

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national origin, color, religion, sex, or disability. We make every possible accommodation to meet the needs of children with disabilities.
We have an “open door” policy which means all currently enrolled clients may “enter and inspect” at any time during regular business hours. Please limit these visits to about ten minutes.
We welcome volunteers with prior arrangement, especially during parties, and other special events.
We are always willing to communicate with parents regarding the growth and development of their child. However, pick-up and drop off times can be busy. We can discuss concerns on the phone during evening hours between 7-9 PM, or by appointment during non-business hours. We use Learning Genie, a powerful and flexible portfolio and assessment rating tool called the Desired Results Developmental Profile or DRDP for child development observation, documentation, and assessment rating to meet the documentation and assessment reporting requirements set by the Department of Education. In addition, Learning Genie’s innovative and interactive daily reporting feature makes Learning Genie the leader in family engagement. It is not a simple photo sharing or daily routine reporting tool. Rather, it is aimed to truly involve parents in children’s early learning to achieve the best home to school connection. By enabling the teacher to share learning contents such as eBooks, songs, interactive learning media as well as parenting tips, it enables a better bonding between parents and children through interactive learning together. We believe these will ultimately improve the quality of the program as well as children’s early learning outcomes. At enrollment, parents are given a code to sign up for e mail photos, videos and anecdotal notes about their child’s progress. In addition, parents are given the opportunity to conference at the end of each trimester to discuss their child’s progress and review the DRDP ratings. At these meetings, each parent is given a portfolio filled with pictures and notes, along with the rating of their children’s progress. Together, we will plan goals for us to work on together for the next four months.
Another tool we use to assess children are the ASQ and ASQ SE Questionnaires®, Third Edition. These are developmental screening tools designed for use by early educators and health care professionals. They rely on parents as experts, is easy-to-use, family-friendly and creates the snapshot needed to catch delays and celebrate milestones. These are given at enrollment, and then annually. They are parent-completed, photo copiable, and culturally sensitive. With questionnaire results, professionals can quickly recognize young children at risk for social or emotional difficulties, identify behaviors of concern to caregivers, and identify any need for further assessment.
Children are welcome to bring personal “security items” which will not be shared but we ask that children do not bring other toys from home. The exception to this would be items of special interest that they would like to share at circle time.
No gum, candy, food, drinks of any kind, money, small objects, or toy weapons are allowed at any time. The exception would be treats brought for special occasions with prior arrangement.
Always have at least one change of seasonally appropriate clothing in your child’s basket. Please provide slip on shoes that provide protection to your child’s feet but are not so cumbersome that child cannot run, dance or climb comfortably while wearing them. When your child reaches an age when he/she is developmentally ready to learn to tie their own shoes, lace up shoes are appropriate. Children are apt to keep shoes on when they fit well, but if they continue to remove their shoes, we allow them to go barefoot. Please keep in mind that if they won’t keep the shoes on at home, they are unlikely to do so here. Children will not be allowed to ride bikes or trikes with out foot wear. Please do not send children in flip flops or party type shoes. Both lead to numerous falls as children attempt to keep up with their friends. It is rare that we do not go outside, usually only extreme wind or heat will keep us indoors. We do have hats, mittens, muddy buddy suits, rain coats and boots to loan but cannot guarantee we will have your child’s size. Some children are happy to wear ours, while others prefer their own. You know your child best so plan according to their needs. No child will be kept indoors due to lack of appropriate clothing.
Breakfast is served between 7:30-8 AM. Please feed your child prior to bringing them if arriving after this time.
For the safety and health of everyone here, we cannot accept a child who is experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, severe rash, an elevated temperature over 100, or any contagious disease. If symptoms appear while the child is in care, the child will be separated from the other children and parent will be called and will be expected to pick up the child within the hour. Admittance back into the program will be at the discretion of the provider.
Medications will only be administered with written authorization (forms located in the file box in foyer) and must be in the original bottle.
Discipline is a very important topic. We all have different styles of discipline and at times they may not agree, just remember Licensing has clear guidelines for discipline.
All children must be free from corporal or unusual punishment, infliction of pain, humiliation, intimidation, ridicule, coercion, threat, mental abuse or other actions of punitive nature. No interference with eating, sleeping or toileting or withholding shelter, clothing, medication or aids to physical functioning.
Remember that when dropping off or picking up you must remember you are under these rules (while at our facility) all children in our environment are protected by this law. If this is not clear, please talk with us.
The daily schedule is posted but varies according to the weather. Attendance and being on time is very important. If you are going to be late or not coming that day, a phone call is required, within 30 minutes of scheduled time. This is so we can plan the day. Our late policy is the same, a parent must call as soon as you know you will not be picking your child up at the time arranged. Arrangements and an alternate pick up may be necessary because of prior plans of the provider.
We are mandated reporters which means we must report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect. If not reported it can bring jail time or a fine for unreported child abuse. If you’re child comes into child care with a new bump or bruise (we all know children fall all the time) please share this with us so we can put an “ouch report” in child file. When a child is injured here in care, we will send a note through Learning Genie to let you know. If it is more than a scrape or minor bump, we will text or call immediately. We are a predominately outdoor program, so falls happen often as children push themselves to the limits of their physical ability to learn new skills. Children ride bikes, run, climb, hop, and swing every day. These are all important skills for early brain development, as well as healthy physical development.
In the unlikely event of a medical emergency, an ambulance will be called. We will stay with the injured child and call the parent immediately to meet us at the hospital.
Whenever we cannot care for your child due to illness, family emergency, jury duty, vacation, professional trainings, it is the responsibility of the parent to find alternate care. Parents will be given as much notice as possible. (Please be assured that this is very rare as we usually have staff available to cover.) Yearly calendars are given out in early January so parents can plan for our holiday closures and vacations. We are closed all federal holidays, the week from Christmas through New Years Day and Easter week.
Occasionally, it will be necessary to arrange for a substitute for errands, medical and dental appointments, meetings, etc. This person will be screened by the state to work with children and will meet all state FCC regulations.
No child will ever be released to anyone who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Child will never be released to anyone not on the enrollment form and photo ID will be required by anyone not known to the provider.
All contracts, policies and enrollment forms will be renewed every Fall. Parents must update forms within two weeks of changes of circumstances such as custody, addresses, or employment.
Children will not be allowed to leave the premises without the appropriate child restraints in vehicles. State law requires that no child is ever left in a motor vehicle for any length of time. Please bring siblings in when you pick your child up. No child is allowed in the front yard at any time, without adult supervision. Walk your child to and from your vehicle. Please do not leave your car running in the driveway.
We have two dogs and a cat. All are vaccinated and good with children.
We are Christians, and while we do not teach any form of religious doctrine as part of the regular curriculum, this does not mean that God will never be mentioned. Our library includes books and music with bible based themes.
We have an “open door” policy which means all currently enrolled clients may “enter and inspect” at any time during regular business hours. Please limit these visits to about ten minutes.
We welcome volunteers with prior arrangement, especially during parties, and other special events.
We are always willing to communicate with parents regarding the growth and development of their child. However, pick-up and drop off times can be busy. We can discuss concerns on the phone during evening hours between 7-9 PM, or by appointment during non-business hours. We use Learning Genie, a powerful and flexible portfolio and assessment rating tool called the Desired Results Developmental Profile or DRDP for child development observation, documentation, and assessment rating to meet the documentation and assessment reporting requirements set by the Department of Education. In addition, Learning Genie’s innovative and interactive daily reporting feature makes Learning Genie the leader in family engagement. It is not a simple photo sharing or daily routine reporting tool. Rather, it is aimed to truly involve parents in children’s early learning to achieve the best home to school connection. By enabling the teacher to share learning contents such as eBooks, songs, interactive learning media as well as parenting tips, it enables a better bonding between parents and children through interactive learning together. We believe these will ultimately improve the quality of the program as well as children’s early learning outcomes. At enrollment, parents are given a code to sign up for e mail photos, videos and anecdotal notes about their child’s progress. In addition, parents are given the opportunity to conference at the end of each trimester to discuss their child’s progress and review the DRDP ratings. At these meetings, each parent is given a portfolio filled with pictures and notes, along with the rating of their children’s progress. Together, we will plan goals for us to work on together for the next four months.
Another tool we use to assess children are the ASQ and ASQ SE Questionnaires®, Third Edition. These are developmental screening tools designed for use by early educators and health care professionals. They rely on parents as experts, is easy-to-use, family-friendly and creates the snapshot needed to catch delays and celebrate milestones. These are given at enrollment, and then annually. They are parent-completed, photo copiable, and culturally sensitive. With questionnaire results, professionals can quickly recognize young children at risk for social or emotional difficulties, identify behaviors of concern to caregivers, and identify any need for further assessment.
Children are welcome to bring personal “security items” which will not be shared but we ask that children do not bring other toys from home. The exception to this would be items of special interest that they would like to share at circle time.
No gum, candy, food, drinks of any kind, money, small objects, or toy weapons are allowed at any time. The exception would be treats brought for special occasions with prior arrangement.
Always have at least one change of seasonally appropriate clothing in your child’s basket. Please provide slip on shoes that provide protection to your child’s feet but are not so cumbersome that child cannot run, dance or climb comfortably while wearing them. When your child reaches an age when he/she is developmentally ready to learn to tie their own shoes, lace up shoes are appropriate. Children are apt to keep shoes on when they fit well, but if they continue to remove their shoes, we allow them to go barefoot. Please keep in mind that if they won’t keep the shoes on at home, they are unlikely to do so here. Children will not be allowed to ride bikes or trikes with out foot wear. Please do not send children in flip flops or party type shoes. Both lead to numerous falls as children attempt to keep up with their friends. It is rare that we do not go outside, usually only extreme wind or heat will keep us indoors. We do have hats, mittens, muddy buddy suits, rain coats and boots to loan but cannot guarantee we will have your child’s size. Some children are happy to wear ours, while others prefer their own. You know your child best so plan according to their needs. No child will be kept indoors due to lack of appropriate clothing.
Breakfast is served between 7:30-8 AM. Please feed your child prior to bringing them if arriving after this time.
For the safety and health of everyone here, we cannot accept a child who is experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, severe rash, an elevated temperature over 100, or any contagious disease. If symptoms appear while the child is in care, the child will be separated from the other children and parent will be called and will be expected to pick up the child within the hour. Admittance back into the program will be at the discretion of the provider.
Medications will only be administered with written authorization (forms located in the file box in foyer) and must be in the original bottle.
Discipline is a very important topic. We all have different styles of discipline and at times they may not agree, just remember Licensing has clear guidelines for discipline.
All children must be free from corporal or unusual punishment, infliction of pain, humiliation, intimidation, ridicule, coercion, threat, mental abuse or other actions of punitive nature. No interference with eating, sleeping or toileting or withholding shelter, clothing, medication or aids to physical functioning.
Remember that when dropping off or picking up you must remember you are under these rules (while at our facility) all children in our environment are protected by this law. If this is not clear, please talk with us.
The daily schedule is posted but varies according to the weather. Attendance and being on time is very important. If you are going to be late or not coming that day, a phone call is required, within 30 minutes of scheduled time. This is so we can plan the day. Our late policy is the same, a parent must call as soon as you know you will not be picking your child up at the time arranged. Arrangements and an alternate pick up may be necessary because of prior plans of the provider.
We are mandated reporters which means we must report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect. If not reported it can bring jail time or a fine for unreported child abuse. If you’re child comes into child care with a new bump or bruise (we all know children fall all the time) please share this with us so we can put an “ouch report” in child file. When a child is injured here in care, we will send a note through Learning Genie to let you know. If it is more than a scrape or minor bump, we will text or call immediately. We are a predominately outdoor program, so falls happen often as children push themselves to the limits of their physical ability to learn new skills. Children ride bikes, run, climb, hop, and swing every day. These are all important skills for early brain development, as well as healthy physical development.
In the unlikely event of a medical emergency, an ambulance will be called. We will stay with the injured child and call the parent immediately to meet us at the hospital.
Whenever we cannot care for your child due to illness, family emergency, jury duty, vacation, professional trainings, it is the responsibility of the parent to find alternate care. Parents will be given as much notice as possible. (Please be assured that this is very rare as we usually have staff available to cover.) Yearly calendars are given out in early January so parents can plan for our holiday closures and vacations. We are closed all federal holidays, the week from Christmas through New Years Day and Easter week.
Occasionally, it will be necessary to arrange for a substitute for errands, medical and dental appointments, meetings, etc. This person will be screened by the state to work with children and will meet all state FCC regulations.
No child will ever be released to anyone who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Child will never be released to anyone not on the enrollment form and photo ID will be required by anyone not known to the provider.
All contracts, policies and enrollment forms will be renewed every Fall. Parents must update forms within two weeks of changes of circumstances such as custody, addresses, or employment.
Children will not be allowed to leave the premises without the appropriate child restraints in vehicles. State law requires that no child is ever left in a motor vehicle for any length of time. Please bring siblings in when you pick your child up. No child is allowed in the front yard at any time, without adult supervision. Walk your child to and from your vehicle. Please do not leave your car running in the driveway.
We have two dogs and a cat. All are vaccinated and good with children.
We are Christians, and while we do not teach any form of religious doctrine as part of the regular curriculum, this does not mean that God will never be mentioned. Our library includes books and music with bible based themes.
Daily Schedule

(All times are approximate because life happens, and the needs of the children will always take precedence over our schedule. Infants are always allowed their own schedule.)
Children can arrive as early as 6 AM and are offered time for free play as friends arrive. This is a favorite time for play dough, art or block play. In nice weather we may water the garden and fill the bird feeders before we have our breakfast.
Breakfast is served about 7:45 AM and on most days, we head outside. School age children will be boarding the bus about this time. Throughout the morning many activities are offered and may include gardening, animal care, large motor activities, sensory experiences, process oriented art, story time, singing, music and movement, nature walks or cooking projects. Please be aware that we often take walks during this time. and the gate will be shut for the safety of the children. (All enrolled parents are given the gate code.)
11:30 AM Clean up time-use bathroom or diaper change, wash hands, wash and set table for lunch, prepare and serve lunch. Following lunch use bathroom again if needed, wash hands, and brush teeth. This is the time for reading and discussing books, puppets, oral story telling, Zoophonics, Second Step, guided reading, or special activities from Creative Curriculum. Following our gathering time, children will be offered the opportunity to participate in teacher led preschool activities, return outside in good weather or may read, draw or play quiet games. At 1 PM, children between 2 and 4 are required, by state licensing regulations) to have a short rest/nap time. Children will not be forced to stay on their cot once they have woken up, nor are they forced to stay on a cot if they have not fallen asleep after 20 minutes of rest. When a child does fall asleep, they are allowed to sleep as long as they need to. Teaching children to listen to their body's need for meeting physical needs of eating, sleeping and toileting will always take priority over our schedule.
3 PM Snack time followed by free play time-outside unless weather prevents it. (Severe heat, rain or wind) Children who sleep later will be offered a snack upon waking. Children riding the bus will be offered a snack as soon as they arrive.
4:45- Closing clean up time, putting all toys away, cleaning them as needed. Infant toys are run through the dishwasher nightly. Vacuum and dust playroom and disinfect all surfaces. Play yard is cleaned, water tables emptied, and sand box covered for the night.
Children can arrive as early as 6 AM and are offered time for free play as friends arrive. This is a favorite time for play dough, art or block play. In nice weather we may water the garden and fill the bird feeders before we have our breakfast.
Breakfast is served about 7:45 AM and on most days, we head outside. School age children will be boarding the bus about this time. Throughout the morning many activities are offered and may include gardening, animal care, large motor activities, sensory experiences, process oriented art, story time, singing, music and movement, nature walks or cooking projects. Please be aware that we often take walks during this time. and the gate will be shut for the safety of the children. (All enrolled parents are given the gate code.)
11:30 AM Clean up time-use bathroom or diaper change, wash hands, wash and set table for lunch, prepare and serve lunch. Following lunch use bathroom again if needed, wash hands, and brush teeth. This is the time for reading and discussing books, puppets, oral story telling, Zoophonics, Second Step, guided reading, or special activities from Creative Curriculum. Following our gathering time, children will be offered the opportunity to participate in teacher led preschool activities, return outside in good weather or may read, draw or play quiet games. At 1 PM, children between 2 and 4 are required, by state licensing regulations) to have a short rest/nap time. Children will not be forced to stay on their cot once they have woken up, nor are they forced to stay on a cot if they have not fallen asleep after 20 minutes of rest. When a child does fall asleep, they are allowed to sleep as long as they need to. Teaching children to listen to their body's need for meeting physical needs of eating, sleeping and toileting will always take priority over our schedule.
3 PM Snack time followed by free play time-outside unless weather prevents it. (Severe heat, rain or wind) Children who sleep later will be offered a snack upon waking. Children riding the bus will be offered a snack as soon as they arrive.
4:45- Closing clean up time, putting all toys away, cleaning them as needed. Infant toys are run through the dishwasher nightly. Vacuum and dust playroom and disinfect all surfaces. Play yard is cleaned, water tables emptied, and sand box covered for the night.
At Olalla Bay Family Child Care, our focus is on creating a space for children to grow and learn at their own pace and to follow their own interests. Our goal is that they are filled with joy and wonder as they experience their world and develop positive and lasting relationships with both adults and peers. We believe that parents, teachers and children are equally important in creating the learning environment that will stimulate interest and develop a lifelong love of learning.